Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Does anybody still read this??

It's been a long time since an updation, like the serious laziness and switch to Cowtown has got me avoiding this thing since april. For realz. Things are alright in the land of pilsner, FUBAR, and meat, and most pickups per capita in the universe. Anyways here are some random observations about Calgary (in no particular sequence):

-everyone smokes, esp. girls you think are cute
-everyone who rides the bus and is under 20 and female has at least 4 tattoos and 2 kids
-vegetarian dishes in restaurants have meat in them more often then not
-Calgary is Cougarville
-everyone is an aggressive driver and never carpools
-transit planning is an afterthought
-weather and pressure can change 10 degree in a few minutes
-trailer parks are even close to downtown here
-Calgary radio is terrible (think nickleback every 3 songs)
-gold diggers are plenty
-"healthy eating" is relative term, contrasts a great deal with Vancouver
-everyone eats out way too often
- there is shitty indie music scene, aka rock and country only
-healthcare here is a nightmare
-the oil industry is all up in this motha fucker, so much it's scary, and no one really thinks of it as a negative thing on the environment

It seems everyone is in Calgary to make a quick buck regardless of the consequences, and save up and move on somewhere else. So like there is endless amounts of land and room to expand so it just keeps spreading out and making new landfills, etc. I like to think of Calgary as a big Mississagua because it's mainly warehouses and residential areas, with a small downtown of course, but all spread out and surburban for th emost part with too many cars. I know everything I have said all seems negative, but there are some good things, like climate, it never gets humid so much that i can't stand it, it's cool at night which is good for sleeping, and the sun is up later so you can do outdoor things longer. Also there are some cool bike paths all throughout the city. Also if you are into cowboys and shit, which I am not, you're at home then.

I'm working at Stantec Consulting, as GIS jerkface, it's pretty chill, flex time and stuff, i don't make as much as i would like too, but it's never enough with student loans. Fuck the bank, nothing but a big mother fucking loan shark. I also have been working at a golf course down the street on weekends for extra cash and some free golf. Golfing is for douchebags, but i don't relaly care, I go out and have fun and try to hit the ball as hard as I can, not like get mad when i screw up.

This seems good enough for a first post.

I'm out.